Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Quick Update

Hi guys, 

As you can see it has been a LONG time since i have updated this blog. I didn't mean to leave it this long just life got in the way.
I sadly lost two family members quite close together and then not long after that we were told my gran had cancer. Therefore, i have been taking her to hospital appointments and things. 
I am still writing my novels that were due for release. However, now i am not writing them as much.
I am still going to finish these, it is just going to take me longer than i had originally planned.

Hopefully i will have more of an update for you soon

Serena x 

1 comment:

  1. Very sorry to hear it. I know how easy it is to be taken away from writing. I care for someone with dementia.
    I do hope that your gran manages OK. I'm a gran myself so I can relate to how she must be feeling.
    Write your books when you can and use the breaks to allow you to re-read what you have written with fresh eyes. I find it very beneficial.

